
How Galbani engaged 6.000
consumers with photo rewards

Why did Galbani choose Photo Rewards?

Our goal was to create an emotional connection with our consumers and highlight our authenticity (via the Dolce Vita positioning). Via Stampix’ Photo rewarding campaign Galbani could bring its consumers’ Dolce Vita moments to life. Stampix pictures played a key role in our communication: paid digital media & Tram Mosaic in the city center of Brussels.

Romane Morreale – Brand Manager at Lactalis (Galbani)

The goal

Why Galbani decided to work with our Photo Rewards?

Our goal was to create an emotional connection with our consumers and highlight our authenticity (via the Dolce Vita positioning). Via Stampix’ Photo rewarding campaign Galbani could bring its consumers’ Dolce Vita moments to life. Stampix pictures played a key role in our communication: paid digital media & Tram Mosaic in the city center of Brussels.

Romane Morreale – Brand Manager at Lactalis (Galbani)

The goal

The goal

Galbani wanted to create an emotional connection with their consumers and highlight their authenticity, via the Dolce Vita positioning.

How to engage your consumers
as an FMCG brand?

special touch

Photo contest 'la Dolce Vita'

Our Photo Rewards were a key part of Galbani’s ‘la Dolce Vita’ campaign. Consumers could print 10 photos for free and have the chance to win a trip to Rome. The campaign ran in Belgium and the Netherlands.

To choose the winner, our AI Photo Tagging analysis system was used to select the which best matched the Italian summer vibes. There was one winner for each participant country. 

After the decision, Galbani made a PR stunt to announce the winner, using a Tram Mosaic in the centre of Brussels.
Want to see it? Check out the video below!

Galbani's photo contest winner video:

▶️ Watch me

The results

Photos printed
0 %
Newsletter opt-in rate
0 %
Conversion on Stampix platform

How photo rewards connect brands and consumers?

Galbani, as a real transmitter of ‘La Dolce Vita’, wants to honour its consumers’ best Dolce Vita moments by putting them in the spotlight. We want to honour these precious moments via photo rewards. A picture is something emotional, only taken with people we care about, associating a positive feeling with the moment and connect those feelings to our brand.

How are photo rewards utilised to connect brands and consumers?

Galbani, as a real transmitter of ‘La Dolce Vita’, wants to honour its consumers’ best Dolce Vita moments by putting them in the spotlight. We want to honour these precious moments via photo rewards. A picture is something emotional, only taken with people we care about, associating a positive feeling with the moment and connect those feelings to our brand.

curious for more?

Find out how you can engage customers with photo rewards