De Tijd | Simon Tavernier about Stampix journey
Read what our CEO Simon Tavernier had to say about his journey as an entrepreneur, co-founding and leading Stampix.
Read what our CEO Simon Tavernier had to say about his journey as an entrepreneur, co-founding and leading Stampix.
You might be thinking about starting a digital EOY campaign, whether on social media or via email marketing. But think twice! With so many other businesses doing the same thing, chances are your promotional emails will get buried in customers’ inboxes.
Despite their access to camera phones and social media, young people still feel attached to physical pictures as a moment in time you can hold. That is why Photo Reward campaigns can be an excellent strategy for disrupting the market and uniquely appealing to people’s emotions.
Leveraging both print and digital media can garner huge benefits. Offering the best of both worlds will surely grab your audience’s attention.
Why don’t teenagers have posters in their rooms anymore? A recent article in the Belgium newspaper, DS Magazine, on Gen Z lifestyle trends, caught our attention. As a photo reward solution, the team at Stampix was obviously happy to learn about teenagers exchanging the old ‘pop star posters’ for personalised photo walls. The realisation that …
Why don’t teenagers have posters in their rooms anymore? Read More »
Billions of photos are taken daily and shared through social media. People are taking pictures of just about anything, many are snapshots, but thanks to smartphone cameras which are getting better every day, there is a vast amount of photos that are shot in very high quality. Add the rise of latest generation digital printing …